Bharat Belavadi heads the Advance Analytics Office in India for Western Digital, the world’s iconic data storage company. In his role, he is tasked with accelerating the most innovative first-of-a-kind advanced analytics solutions at scale across the enterprise using cutting-edge 4IR technologies to enable connected enterprises for optimal decisions by linking data, business processes, and analytics insights across functions. In 21 years of career in the High-Tech Industry, including more than a decade in Silicon Valley, Bharat spent major years in analytics, process, and technology consulting to help customers realize their strategic business initiative. Bharat is a member of the ER&D council at NASSCOM and AMCHAM. He is a Postgrad from the University of Austin, Texas, and a graduate in Mechanical Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela.
- +91-94965 21885, +91-96325 33477